Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Kathryn and Marilyn were good little girls and let me shoot lots of pix of them before we went over to our friends house for turkey dinner. The dress that Marilyn has one was one that Kathryn wore on Thanksgiving in 2006.

Marilyn is 10 months old.

Kathryn is 4 1/2.

They make me smile.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They are such sweet sisters!!! I can't believe how big Marilyn is, how can she be 10 months old already??? Are you coming out here for the holidays at all? We are going to be moving close to your mom's house! xoxo

  3. I have a package for Scarlett ( 2 tt's or 1?) and I am such a slow poke on mailing things.....ugh, I will try to get it in the mail this weekend. And yep we will be in CA in Jan, I think the 15-24.
    Are you sad to be leaving the beach??? But My moms neighborhood is awesome...
