Monday, October 19, 2009

Walk to the Park

We went to the park by our house on Sunday. It was nice and warm out and all of the leaves are changing right now so it looked super beautiful.

Marilyn got to go down the slide.

She climbed around a bit too and I just snapped away. She looked too cute....I just had to.

I'm looking a little irritated in this photo. I think I was hungry. We took Peanut Butter and Jelly to eat at the park, and you know me....always eating something or needing to.

What a big beautiful tree and there goes Kathryn just a runnin' away!
Look at her perfect stance! She takes after Steven on this one.

Practicing for their last week of the "Pink Fairies."

Catch the ball Mar-Mar!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Syracuse Pumpkin Patch!

We went to the Pumpkin patch for Kathryn's first Field Trip.

She really liked petting the animals.
Jenni and Jack really liked Kathryn too.

I covered the stroller because it was so hot...(this was a few weeks ago) and Marilyn was making me laugh peeking out!

Two cute sisters!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Mornings!

Here's my new blog! Dedicated to my two little angels Kathryn Irene and Marilyn Renee.
I figured since I have so much time on my hands, I could blog here and there to fill some of the time up! (LOL) Also I gave myself a Canon 40D for my birthday (with a little help from the Fam...thanks Fam...) and I just can't seem to part with my family for the 6-9:30PM beginner to digital photography class that I really need to take....So this blog will be my lessons on how to!

So I have come to love Tuesday Mornings! I always work on Tuesdays, but Kathryn does not have school, so we don't have to leave the house until 10:30. This is quite a treat, and gives us some time in the morning to do some fun the photos that we took today. Usually Kathryn comes to work with me for a bit on Tuesdays....if she behaves....and we bring lunch and hang out until Papa comes and gets her.
Kathryn got some new Timberland shoes this weekend at the Mall...and she LOVES them. She is in size 10.5 now. The funny thing is that she went from a size 8 to a size 10.5! She skipped size 9 and 10 all together! I think she loves these shoes because they don't give her blisters! She has worn them every day since Saturday. Even with her Pink Costco Easter Dress. She told me this morning that she likes her shoes becasue they look like Grampas shoes!

Here's a cute photo of Mar Mar. She might not get as many photos as Kathryn will because she is sooooo much harder for me to photograph then big sister! It took about 20 for me to get this one. I am an amateur and all!